Monday 19 October 2015

The day the cat ran away...

Baby J was a grand total of 24 days old the day that The Cat ran away.  It was a terrible day... the worst... the kind of day that you want to draw a great big black marker pen line through and erase from your memory forever.

Except that I'm not doing that... I'm writing about it...

I knew it was going to be a Bad Day when Techno Dad came up with my morning cuppa (what a good-un) and said "The Cat isn't in his room".  The Cat is a complete creature of habit - so much so that I swear he can tell the time as he demands his "first dinner" and "second dinner" bang on time each evening. He is always in his room waiting for breakfast, followed by morning cuddles. This was out of the ordinary.

I feel I should tell the story of The Cat first to set the scene here:

I am a "cat person" - I love them.  I have grown up around cats and I personally believe that a home is not a home without a cat.  However... when I met Techno Dad he was very firmly in the "dog camp".  He believed cats were boring and selfish.... plus he was allergic. No cat for us.

Now this was almost a deal breaker! Could I really live without a cat for my whole life?!  I decided after much soul searching that I could and that Techno Dad was probably worth the sacrifice..... however I had a sneaky plan.....

Whenever we would go and visit my parents (who still look after the Family Cat) I made sure that Techno Dad sat on the cat's favourite seat... can you condition people not to be allergic?! I secretly threw cat hair in his direction.  I gave him the "cat blanket" to snooze under.

Over a few years, very slowly, Techno Dad decided he wasn't allergic to cats... but he still didn't like them... until one day we went to a farm shop that had kittens!  They were so freakin' cute.  Techno Dad relented! He said we could get one.  So we started cuddling and....

Techno Dad came out in a rash.

I cried.

All the way home.

I debated our relationship.

I gave up on the hope of a cat.

Two years later we got married - The Best Day - a sheer 10 out of 10 wonderful day.  But even better, on our honeymoon (after several glasses of wine) he said "I don't think I'm allergic to cats after all- shall we get one?".  "But what about the Dreadful Day of the Rash?!" I slurred back... 

It turns out that Techno Dad has been thinking and mulling and decided that it was the sawdust the kittens were sat on that day that had made him rash up. Say whaaat?! Who puts kittens in sawdust anyway?!

I was over the moon.  We could get a cat!  And so we did.  We found him in a barn and he said "Take me home please".  So we did. He became part of the family - the original furry baby.

The Cat that we found in a barn. 

When we found out about Baby J I worried how the Cat would take it.  I Goggled how to prepare him.  We did all we were supposed to; playing a crying baby noise, letting him smell the new bits and pieces and gradually introducing the two on the day we brought Baby J home.  He seemed to accept Baby J and proudly sat (supervised of course) guarding the crib as he slept. 

Which made it even harder to think he had run away. Were things really that bad?

After noticing he wasn't there that morning I didn't worry too much as it was a nice day and he was probably off mouse hunting.  But as the day crept on and he missed 1...2...3... meals I started to panic.  I rang the vet.  I checked the road.  I posted a message to the neighbours to check their sheds and garages.  Nothing. 

I cried.  I wailed.  The kind of crying that leaves you red and snotty and headachy the next day. It hurt so much to think our original baby had felt the need to leave home.  I could just picture him making the executive decision that "things were not going to get any better" and packing mousey and walking out the cat flap for one last time.  Did he take one last glance back at the house or was he more of a "once you've left, you've left" kinda guy?

We ate dinner in silence.  We watched the cat flap.

Finally we decided to pull boots on over our pyjamas and go for one last look before bed.  As we left I saw the neighbours putting some bits in the garage.  But I was too red and blotchy to go and ask them if they'd seen him.

We walked.  We called. We shook his food tin.... nothing.  I accepted he had left home.  He had run away, to find a new family without a crying baby. Somewhere he wouldn't feel ousted.

We came back and took our shoes off.  I made a cup of tea.  I decided to go to bed to make the day go away.

As I got ready to go upstairs I opened the door to his room just to check one last time.

He was there! A little chirrup as he threw himself round my ankles. He ran into the kitchen to demand food... three times.

He didn't look like a cat who had decided to run away.  He purred.  He demanded fuss. He ran around our ankles trying to trip us up. He cuddled up in bed with me and sat guarding me and Baby J while he slept.

Maybe he was trapped in a garage after all. Maybe he didn't think we were terrible for bringing a newbie in to the house.  Maybe he had been trying all day to get home.

Please don't leave us Cat - you are part of our family. Stay and I promise to teach Baby J not to pull your tail.  He won't cry forever....  

Medusa Mum x

Saturday 10 October 2015

Autumn outfits

Today I treated myself to a few new Autumn clothes with the excuse of I need some tops that have easy access to the boobies for feeding times.  I went for these shirts from New Look.  I went for plain white and blue for now but have a feeling the tartan ones will soon be nestling along side them in my wardrobe. Baby J needs these tops....

The boots were purchased for the same reason.... obviously!

Link for the boots and the shirts

Medusa Mum x

Thursday 8 October 2015


Why are conkers so special?!

It is a well known fact that in everyone of my handbags (and coat pockets) you will find a conker.

I seem to collect them when they appear and keep them safe in my bag and pocket for the rest of the year.

I am very much looking forward to the days when Baby J, TehnoDad and I can go conker hunting together and see who can find the roundest, shiny-est, biggest conker.

I just hope Baby J doesn't carry on my trend of putting them in pockets... we might break the washing machine.....

Tuesday 6 October 2015

The First Bath Experience

The first bath with your new baby is meant to be a magical experience right?! We were all set to go with our new bath toys, towel on the radiator and olive oil for a baby massage after.....

This is the reality....Poosplosion. Magic indeed.

Monday 5 October 2015

Poorly Baby Bum....

Warning! All opinions are mine alone and this is just what I have found works with Baby J - I thought I would share what I found out in case anyone is looking for a product for sensitive bums like Baby J's.  I am well aware that other products exist and do the same job - this is just what works for us :)

I am pretty certain that Baby J went through a bit of a growth spurt over the weekend.  This meant much milk.... which in turn had to come out one way or the other....

It mainly came out one way which resulted in Baby J getting a slightly sore bum.

I had been given a pot of generic nappy rash cream as part of a gift basked by a kind family friend before his arrival so we decided to try this... but I could almost see his little bottom getting redder and redder as I put it on.

So I scoured the aisles in the chemist and found this: (I actually bought mine from Boots)

Reasons why I think this product is awesome:

1. It smells AMAZING and makes changing a baby's bum a lot more pleasurable by nose!
2. It is hypoallergenic and is Paraben and Phthalate Free (I know Parabens bring me up in a rash so thought this would be worth a go for him).
3. It cleared up his sore bum in two days completely though I could see it going down after about two hours.
4. Apparently I can use this as some sort of miracle moisturiser on my face (haven't tried this out yet!)
5. Their website claims that the Cocoa Butter is ethically sourced - so go you!

We also gave him lots of nappy free time - which meant wrapping him in towels and putting the washing machine on hourly.....

If you are looking for a slightly more natural nappy cream then I would recommend this - but have a look at the reviews on the websites for it too :)

Medusa Mum x

Saturday 3 October 2015

We should have called him Stew....

I am a scientific person... most of the time.

I like to research and find out why things work. Pregnancy and the birth were also good excuses to research everything  So why stop now that Baby J has arrived?

I don't really like taking medicines... I will if I need them - I am not stupid! But I do like to think that sometimes you can try something else before reaching straight for the medicine cabinet.

I learnt this during a particularly stressful time at work when I was popping the painkillers almost daily for headaches.  It was only when I stepped back and realised that I was causing my headaches by not drinking enough water and then "curing" them with pills that I realised I could easily solve these headaches.  So I popped to Paperchase to buy a fancy water cup that I could carry round with me. Problem solved.

I am not a "crazy hippy" but I do believe there are natural ways to treat most (not all!!) common complaints.  (Like Dock leaves for nettle stings - it works - science rules!)

So... cue the Sore Boobs - first from the "milk coming in" (what does that even mean - I haven't invited the milkman in for coffee!) and then from a mild case of mastitis caused by much munching....

So... how to treat these ailments. 

I found savoy cabbage leaves worked a treat to calm down my swollen boobies.  I put the cabbage in the fridge, snipped out the stem and folded them into a little cup which I popped in my bra.  Cue slightly stinky mummy for a couple of days and cabbage leaves all over the house. (Visitors must have thought I was crazy!)  I bought two cabbages but by the time I'd finished one my boobs were a lot less painful - so we ate the other :D Here is some Science to back this up.

I found potato slices worked to help the mastitis - along with drinking lots of water, resting and making sure I continued to feed and express from that side (I did only have a very mild case and I did contact my midwife for this one and was prepared to go to the doctor for antibiotics if it got worse - I know this can be a nasty infection if it gets going and medical treatment is needed if it gets bad.  However - I wanted to try this first to avoid antibiotics if I could). 

I sliced up some potatoes and put them in a bowl of cold water to soak for 20 minutes.  I then popped a couple in my bra over the sore bit and left for about ten minutes until they became soft and warm (osmosis working here I think!).  Then repeated the process all day.  Seemed to clear it up for now.... Here is an alternative version and some more Science.

So baby J - what with cabbage and potatoes all we need is some beef and carrots and we got ourselves a nice Autumny Stew going on :D

Cautionary side-note! I am not suggesting we replace all medicines with a vegetable drawer and fruit bowl- I am just stating what I found worked for me.  Also - if unsure on anything I would always seek medical advice - I have my midwife's number on speed dial ;)

Medusa Mum x

Friday 2 October 2015

Review of the Belly Bandit

Before having Baby J I did ALOT of research.  I know it sounds vain to be researching how to get your pre pregnancy body back before you have even given birth... but I wanted to be prepared.

I found through several Blogs and internet searches the Belly Bandit.  I had to have a careful conversation with TechnoDad as this was a rather expensive purchase, but we managed to factor it into the Baby Budget. 

Hours after V-Day TechnoDad managed to order me one of these for next day delivery. When it arrived I whacked it on and instantly felt so much better.  It literally sucked everything in.

As I was feeding Baby J I could feel everything contracting and going back into place but this carried on even after he was asleep and I am sure it was/is the Belly Bandit.  It also helps you get your core muscles back working and helps with your posture.

I have worn it every day now for three weeks and am pretty happy with the results.  When I wear it I feel pretty much back to my old self.  When I take it off I can see that everything is still a little more flabby than it was before and my muscles underneath the belly feel "jellied".  But I am positive over the next few weeks and months with the lifting of pushchairs, carting round an ever growing Baby J and the swimming classes I intend to join that I can regain most of my former shape.

In my personal opinion this was an excellent buy and I am already eyeing up what I can purchase for my Christmas present to myself from their website.

Being sciencey I looked into the science of this (I love the how it works) section on their website.  But basically as far as I can work out it works by holding your muscles together while they repair and also squashing your skin and blood vessels to help the excess water out of you and reduce swelling faster -  aka reducing the pooch.  After three days of wearing it I could literally feel my body shrinking and losing water.  Very strange! I woke up feeling like I was in someone else's body!

Before and after shots 

One other thing that I really like is that this is a woman run company for women.  So I feel these guys really know what they are talking about.  Great work Belly Bandit makers!

(Side note - all opinions here are completely my own! I can't guarantee that this product works for everyone - I am just sharing my own findings)

Medusa Mum x

Thursday 1 October 2015

What I took to hospital; the vital, the useful, the bonus and not needed.

Before having baby J I spent ages Googling hospital lists and watching every YouTube video of what to take when you have a baby.  For what it is worth - here is a list of everything I took and how useful I found it.  This was me though - I felt a little guilty taking twenty minutes to pamper myself in the bathroom having a shower and putting make-up on but it made me feel a lot more human after giving birth and ready to face the world again - so some may view this as a luxury or unnecessary item.  That's fine :) each to her own and all :) I am also aware that some of the items might have been needed if things had gone differently, this is just a list of what I used this time. It might also be worth checking what your hospital provides - for example I had no idea there would be a changing mat there for us to use.

The only extra I would have taken was some more baby grows as Baby J was a poo monster while we were in hospital and worked his way through everything we took.  I didn't really bother with a "to come home" outfit for him as I knew we were all going to come home and put PJs straight on and order a take-a-way

I would also put all the bags IN the car next time even if that meant driving around with packs of maternity pads in the boot of the car for three weeks.

I also took the Tens machine - attached to me!

Medusas bag:

Not used
Green doctors   notes
Take out anything you want to keep such as scan pictures as you won't get these back
Birth Plan
There wasn't time and I had only written 5 bullet points
Dressing gown
I wore this after I had had a shower and meant I could easily feed Baby J
Flip flops
I put these in in case the shower was manky - but it was perfectly clean
Why did I put these in?!
Cheap nighty (to throw if need be)
I did wear this but not for long
Pyjama Bottoms
I did not want anything near my bottom half afterwards - for a good few hours a sheet did the job nicely
Pyjama top
Again - I didn't want anything on me and I wanted to be able to feed Baby J easily
Haha not needed as I just tore my clothes off when I got there - so much for modesty!
Clothes to come home in
Something easy to wear and forgiving as I had no idea what shape I'd be after (leggings, dress and cardi)
Soft sports bra
Really soft after all that boob munching
Big granny pants
Little pretty pants are not what is needed after v-day!
They had towels there but this made me feel a lot more at home
Face wash
I was a sweaty betty afterwards
Shampoo and conditioner
I would say vital as I felt pretty gross afterwards
Hair bands and hair grips
You could have shaved my head during and I wouldn’t have cared!
Everyone should brush their teeth after 12 hours even if you are giving birth!
Made me feel a lot more human afterwards.
Sweaty Betty….
For primping
Chewing gum
My mouth was pretty manky after the gas and air
Maternity pads (2 packs)
The more of these the better - I could have taken a whole case!
Breast Pads
I didn’t use these as there was no leaking milk till day 3/4
Important phone numbers on paper
Just in case both phones ran out of battery or mobile communication devices temporarily all stopped working
Plastic bag
To put slightly manky clothes in.
Squirty sports bottle
For the first pee….
Nipple cream (Lansinoh)
If I was allowed to take only one thing - this would be it!
Nail scissors
Someone said I'd want to cut his nails. Pah! That waited till we were all home.

TechnoDads bag:

Not used
Change of clothes
We don’t want a stinky Daddy
Phone charger
We seemed to text and ring the entire world so charging the phone was needed
Camera and charger
To capture the first few moments – priceless
Spare change
For the vending machines – chocolate was needed afterwards!
It is hungry work having a baby.  We packed flapjacks and salty crisps.
So Daddy can freshen up before the journey home

Baby J's bag:

Not used
Outfits in different sizes
We though we took enough – until poosplosion time happened
We took two cellular blankets with little holes in them.
Lots were needed!
Muslin squares
Useful but not necessary I found.  There wasn’t enough milk being made to produce sick.
Not vital as only a short journey from the door to the car
Car seat
A must!
Cotton wool pads
Wish we had taken more! But the pads are more useful than the balls. They disappear when wet.
Wet wipes
I used these for me not for him the first day.
Don’t want a cold baby!
Fold up changing mat
There was one there we could use

Hope this is of some help to someone! If not - I can use this "next time" ;)

Medusa Mum x