Saturday 3 October 2015

We should have called him Stew....

I am a scientific person... most of the time.

I like to research and find out why things work. Pregnancy and the birth were also good excuses to research everything  So why stop now that Baby J has arrived?

I don't really like taking medicines... I will if I need them - I am not stupid! But I do like to think that sometimes you can try something else before reaching straight for the medicine cabinet.

I learnt this during a particularly stressful time at work when I was popping the painkillers almost daily for headaches.  It was only when I stepped back and realised that I was causing my headaches by not drinking enough water and then "curing" them with pills that I realised I could easily solve these headaches.  So I popped to Paperchase to buy a fancy water cup that I could carry round with me. Problem solved.

I am not a "crazy hippy" but I do believe there are natural ways to treat most (not all!!) common complaints.  (Like Dock leaves for nettle stings - it works - science rules!)

So... cue the Sore Boobs - first from the "milk coming in" (what does that even mean - I haven't invited the milkman in for coffee!) and then from a mild case of mastitis caused by much munching....

So... how to treat these ailments. 

I found savoy cabbage leaves worked a treat to calm down my swollen boobies.  I put the cabbage in the fridge, snipped out the stem and folded them into a little cup which I popped in my bra.  Cue slightly stinky mummy for a couple of days and cabbage leaves all over the house. (Visitors must have thought I was crazy!)  I bought two cabbages but by the time I'd finished one my boobs were a lot less painful - so we ate the other :D Here is some Science to back this up.

I found potato slices worked to help the mastitis - along with drinking lots of water, resting and making sure I continued to feed and express from that side (I did only have a very mild case and I did contact my midwife for this one and was prepared to go to the doctor for antibiotics if it got worse - I know this can be a nasty infection if it gets going and medical treatment is needed if it gets bad.  However - I wanted to try this first to avoid antibiotics if I could). 

I sliced up some potatoes and put them in a bowl of cold water to soak for 20 minutes.  I then popped a couple in my bra over the sore bit and left for about ten minutes until they became soft and warm (osmosis working here I think!).  Then repeated the process all day.  Seemed to clear it up for now.... Here is an alternative version and some more Science.

So baby J - what with cabbage and potatoes all we need is some beef and carrots and we got ourselves a nice Autumny Stew going on :D

Cautionary side-note! I am not suggesting we replace all medicines with a vegetable drawer and fruit bowl- I am just stating what I found worked for me.  Also - if unsure on anything I would always seek medical advice - I have my midwife's number on speed dial ;)

Medusa Mum x

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