Friday 2 October 2015

Review of the Belly Bandit

Before having Baby J I did ALOT of research.  I know it sounds vain to be researching how to get your pre pregnancy body back before you have even given birth... but I wanted to be prepared.

I found through several Blogs and internet searches the Belly Bandit.  I had to have a careful conversation with TechnoDad as this was a rather expensive purchase, but we managed to factor it into the Baby Budget. 

Hours after V-Day TechnoDad managed to order me one of these for next day delivery. When it arrived I whacked it on and instantly felt so much better.  It literally sucked everything in.

As I was feeding Baby J I could feel everything contracting and going back into place but this carried on even after he was asleep and I am sure it was/is the Belly Bandit.  It also helps you get your core muscles back working and helps with your posture.

I have worn it every day now for three weeks and am pretty happy with the results.  When I wear it I feel pretty much back to my old self.  When I take it off I can see that everything is still a little more flabby than it was before and my muscles underneath the belly feel "jellied".  But I am positive over the next few weeks and months with the lifting of pushchairs, carting round an ever growing Baby J and the swimming classes I intend to join that I can regain most of my former shape.

In my personal opinion this was an excellent buy and I am already eyeing up what I can purchase for my Christmas present to myself from their website.

Being sciencey I looked into the science of this (I love the how it works) section on their website.  But basically as far as I can work out it works by holding your muscles together while they repair and also squashing your skin and blood vessels to help the excess water out of you and reduce swelling faster -  aka reducing the pooch.  After three days of wearing it I could literally feel my body shrinking and losing water.  Very strange! I woke up feeling like I was in someone else's body!

Before and after shots 

One other thing that I really like is that this is a woman run company for women.  So I feel these guys really know what they are talking about.  Great work Belly Bandit makers!

(Side note - all opinions here are completely my own! I can't guarantee that this product works for everyone - I am just sharing my own findings)

Medusa Mum x

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